Heather Mitchell Usability Testing Website


Significant Findings for User #1

User #1 liked to use the options path of finding information, where he clicked on the options menu and then scrolled though, picking several different options before finding what he was looking for. As shown in 05:17 and 13:35 in the video, he picked the categories to search for school supplies. He used this approach again for subsequent searches, even though it would have been much more direct to use the search bar. He appeared to want to find something that pointed to what he was looking for on the page instead of using the search bar to search for it. This user also did not use the back arrow button and preferred to redirect by using the categories menu or the Kohl's logo button to go back to the home screen and restart. It took a significant amount of time to get through the different categories to search for what he was looking for on the first task to find school supplies. I would consider this to be a level 2 severity code, because if there are other users that do not wish to use the search bar, but know that the item they are looking for is on the site, they may give up and search on a different website.

Significant Findings for User #2

User #2 also seemed to prefer to look through categories drop down menu in order to find what she was looking for. She tended to narrow it down in first by picking the broadest category and then being more specific. At 10:52 in the video, she started to search for shoes by using a broad category in the search menu, then narrowing down to women's shoes, and then to work shoes. She then used the filtering option at the left side of the screen to narrow it down even further to meet the search requirements. She also seemed to go to greater lengths when trying to find information. When a Kohl's location did not immediately come up for her location, she found a way around using the store searcher at the top, and at 12:55 in the video, she finds the Store Locator option at the bottom to find the answer to the search requirements. I would consider the location finder at the top to be a level 1 severity code, because I think other people may try to search for a close store on Google before diving deeper into the website to find the Store Locator.

Significant Findings for User #3

User #3 was much more direct in searching for items than the other two users. She tended to think of exactly which item she was looking for that would meet the search requirements and then used the search bar to find it, instead of browsing through the different options first, or when searching through the categories did not meet her search needs. At 07:05, she was not finding what she was looking for and decided to use the search button instead. At 18:25 in the video, she went to the search bar directly instead of looking through the categories menu. At 25:44 in the video, she assumed that the Kohl's logo would take her back to the home page, but it instead took her to the help page. I would consider this a level 1 severity code, because users could get confused easily with this. It may take a few seconds to realize that they would need to press on the Shop Kohls.com button or they might press the back button several times instead.